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Wednesday, January 24, 2024

सभी प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं के लिए महत्त्वपूर्ण प्रश्नोत्तर Up Police 2024

 सभी प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं के लिए महत्त्वपूर्ण प्रश्नोत्तर

1. दादा साहब पुरस्कार किसके क्षेत्र में दिया जाता है? उत्तर: सिनेमा 2. सिख धर्म के संस्थापक कौन थे उत्तर : गुरु नानक   3. भारतीय राष्ट्रीय ध्वज की लंबाई और चौड़ाई का अनुपात क्या है? उत्तर: 3:2 4. स्थानीय शासन की सबसे निचली इकाई कौन-सी है? उत्तर: ग्राम पंचायत 5. प्रसिद्ध नृत्य कथकली किस राज्य से संबंधित है  उत्तर: केरल 6. गोल गुंबज है उत्तर: बीजापुर 7. लघुगणक तालिकाओं का आविष्कार किसने किया? उत्तर: जॉन नेपियर 8. किस अंग के खराब होने से पीलिया होता है? उत्तर: लीवर 9. भारत का पहला परमाणु ऊर्जा केंद्र कहाँ स्थापित किया गया था? उत्तर: तारापुर (महाराष्ट्र) 10. भारतीय संविधान में कितने मौलिक अधिकारों का उल्लेख किया गया है ? उत्तर: छह 11. किस अनुच्छेद/अनुच्छेद को निलंबित नहीं किया जा सकता है आपातकाल के दौरान भी? उत्तर: अनुच्छेद 20 और 21   12. भारत का पहला वायसराय कौन था? उत्तर: लॉर्ड कैनिंग 13. वाइस बनने के लिए न्यूनतम आयु कितनी होनी चाहिए भारत के राष्ट्रपति? उत्तर: 35 वर्ष 14. नीति आयोग का गठन किसके स्थान पर किया गया है? निम्नलिखित संस्था? उत्तर: योजना आयोग 15. भारत में रिट कितने प्रकार की होती है संविधान? उत्तर: 5 16. भारतीय संविधान में कितने मौलिक कर्तव्यों का उल्लेख किया गया है? उत्तर: ग्यारह 17. भारतीय संविधान में के चुनाव की पद्धति राष्ट्रपति को किस देश से लिया गया है? उत्तर: आयरलैंड 18. राष्ट्रपति की शपथ कौन दिलाता है इंडिया? उत्तर: भारत के मुख्य न्यायाधीश 19. भारतीय संविधान के किस अनुच्छेद में राष्ट्रीय आपातकाल के लिए प्रावधान? उत्तर: अनुच्छेद 352   20. उच्च सदन (राज्य सभा) के कितने सदस्य हैं भारत के राष्ट्रपति द्वारा मनोनीत किया जा सकता है? उत्तर: 12 21. भारत का 'लघु संविधान' किस संशोधन के रूप में भी जाना जाता है उत्तर: 42वां संशोधन 22. जम्मू और कश्मीर राज्य विधान सभा का कार्यकाल है उत्तर: 6 वर्ष 23. अखिल भारतीय सेवाओं के लिए नियुक्तियाँ किसके द्वारा की जाती हैं? उत्तर: राष्ट्रपति 24. शारदा अधिनियम संबंधित है उत्तर: बाल विवाह 25. नीति आयोग के अध्यक्ष हैं उत्तर: प्रधान मंत्री 26. किस ग्रह को बौना ग्रह माना जाता है? उत्तर: प्लूटो 27. चीन सागर उष्ण कटिबंधीय चक्रवातों का क्या नाम है?  उत्तर: टाइफून 28. हिमालय किसका उदाहरण ? Ans: वलित पर्वत   29. भारत में सबसे बड़ी सिंचाई नहर है उत्तर: इंदिरा गांधी नहर 30.. भारत में सर्वोच्च नागरिक पुरस्कार कौन सा है उत्तर : भारत रत्न

विश्व के प्रमुख संगठन और उनके मुख्यालय One Liner Up Police 2024

 विश्व के प्रमुख संगठन और उनके मुख्यालय

1. संयुक्त राष्ट्र पर्यावरण कार्यक्रम (UNEP) ➺ नैरोबी 2. संयुक्त राष्ट्र शरणार्थी उच्चायोग (UNHCR) ➺ जेनेवा 3. पश्चिमी एशिया आर्थिक आयोग (ECWA) ➺  बगदाद 4. दक्षिण पूर्वी एशियाई राष्ट्रों का संघ (ASEAN) ➺  जकार्ता 5. पेट्रोलियम उत्पादक देशों का संगठन (OPEC) ➺  वियना 6. यूरोपीय ऊर्जा आयोग (EEC) ➺  जेनेवा 7. अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मुद्रा कोष (IMF) ➺  वाशिंगटन डी. सी. 8.  एमनेस्टी इंटरनेशनल ➺  लंदन 9. सार्क (SAARC) ➺ काठमाण्डु 10. इंटरपोल (INTERPOL) ➺ पेरिस(लेओंस) 11. विश्व व्यापार संगठन (WTO) ➺ जेनेवा 12. विश्व बैंक ➺  वाशिंगटन डी. सी. 13. यूनेस्को ➺  पेरिस 14. अरब लीग ➺  काहिरा 15. रेडक्रॉस ➺  जेनेवा 16. नाटो (NATO) ➺ ब्रुसेल्स 17. यूनिसेफ ➺  न्यूयॉर्क 18. गैट (GATT) ➺ जेनेवा 19. यूरोपीय संसद ➺  लक्जमबर्ग 20. राष्ट्रमंडल (कॉमनवेल्थ) ➺  लंदन 21. यूरोपियन स्पेस रिसर्च आर्गेनाईजेशन (ESRO) ➺  पेरिस 22. संयुक्त राष्ट्र व्यापार एवं विकास सम्मलेन (UNCTAD) ➺  जेनेवा 23. विश्व वन्य जीव संरक्षण कोष (WWF) ➺  ग्लांड(स्विट्ज़रलैंड) 24. अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ओलम्पिक कमिटी (IOC) ➺  लुसाने 25. वर्ल्ड काउंसिल ऑफ़ चर्चेज (WCC) ➺  जेनेवा 26. राष्ट्रमंडलीय राष्ट्राध्यक्ष सम्मलेन (CHOGM) ➺  स्ट्रान्सबर्ग 27.  एशिया और प्रशांत क्षेत्रों का आर्थिक और सामाजिक आयोग ➺  बैंकाक 28. आर्थिक सहयोग और विकास संगठन (OECD) ➺  पेरिस 29. यूरोपीय मुक्त व्यापार संघ (ECTA) ➺  जेनेवा 30. अंतर्राष्ट्रीय परमाणु ऊर्जा एजेंसी (IAEA) ➺  वियना 31. यूरोपीय आर्थिक समुदाय (EEC) ➺  जेनेवा 32. यूरोपियन परमाणु ऊर्जा समुदाय (EURATON) ➺  ब्रुसेल्स 33. एशियाई विकास बैंक (ADB) ➺  मनीला 34. अफ़्रीकी एकता संगठन (OAU) ➺  आदिस-अबाबा 35. यूरोपीय कॉमन मार्केट (ECM) ➺  जेनेवा 36. अफ़्रीकी आर्थिक आयोग (ECA) ➺  आदिस-अबाबा 37. अमरीकी राज्यों का संगठन (OAS) ➺  वाशिंगटन डी. सी. 38. परस्पर आर्थिक सहायता परिषद् (COMECON) ➺  मास्को 39. संयुक्त राष्ट्र औद्योगिक विकास संगठन (UNIDO) ➺  वियना

Friday, May 12, 2023

Will Diesel Cars be Banned by 2027,RNA by Ankit Avasthi Sir

 Recently, the Energy Transition Advisory Committee formed by Union Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas has recommended that India should ban diesel-powered 4-wheeler vehicles by 2027 and switch to electric and gas-fueled vehicles in cities with more than a million people and polluted towns to reduce emissions. 

➢ The Committee, headed by former petroleum secretary Tarun Kapoor, also suggested phasing out motorcycles, scooters, and three-wheelers with internal combustion engines by 2035. 

 Move Towards Renewable Energy: 

➢ India is one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases globally, and to achieve its net-zero goal for 2070, it wants to produce 40% of its electricity from renewables. 

➢ In line with this, the panel report suggests that no city buses should be added that are not electric by 2030, with diesel buses for city transport not to be added from 2024 onwards. 

➢ It called to partially shift to electric and partially to ethanol-blended petrol with almost 50% share in each category. 

 Incentives to Boost EV Use: 

➢ To boost electric vehicle (EV) use in the country, the report calls for the targeted extension of incentives under the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles scheme (FAME). 

➢ Transition to Gas-Powered Trucks and Railways: 

➢ The panels also recommended that new registrations of only electric-powered city delivery vehicles should be allowed from 2024, with higher use of railways and gas powered trucks for the movement of cargo. 

➢ The railway network is anticipated to be fully electric in two to three years. The panel recommended that long-distance buses in India be powered by electricity in the long term, with gas used as a transition fuel for 10-15 years. 

➢ Transition to Gas-Powered Trucks and Railways: 

➢ The panels also recommended that new registrations of only electric-powered city delivery vehicles should be allowed from 2024, with higher use of railways and gas powered trucks for the movement of cargo. 

➢ The railway network is anticipated to be fully electric in two to three years. The panel recommended that long-distance buses in India be powered by electricity in the long term, with gas used as a transition fuel for 10-15 years. 

 Increase in Share of Gas in its Energy Mix: 

➢ India aims to raise the share of gas in its energy mix to 15% by 2030 from the current 6.2%.

➢ To achieve this goal, the panel suggests building underground gas storage equivalent to two months' demand. 

➢ The panel also recommends the use of depleted oil and gas fields, salt caverns, and aquifers for building gas storage with the participation of foreign gas-producing companies. 

❖The major drawback of diesel engines over petrol is that diesel engines have a higher compression ratio. This causes increase in emissions of oxides of nitrogen (NOx), leading to pollution.

❖Moreover, carmakers have turned away from diesel engine cars because the new BS-VI emission norms involve a high cost of upgrading diesel engines to meet the new standard, unlike petrol engines cars.

 Maruti Suzuki, the nation’s largest producer of passenger cars, discontinued producing diesel cars from April 1, 2020. 

❖ Since 2020, most carmakers have discontinued diesel car manufacturing. As a result, the contribution of passenger vehicles to overall diesel vehicle demand has fallen to 16.5%, compared to 28.5% in 2013. 

assumption Trends: 

❖Diesel currently accounts for about 40% of India’s petroleum products consumption with 80% of that being used in the transport sector. Therefore, the proposed ban will be significant in achieving the desired government’s aim. 

❖Petrol and diesel demand in India is expected to peak in 2040 and decline post that due to electrification of vehicles.

Reasons for High Preference of Diesel:

 • The higher fuel economy of diesel engines over petrol powertrains is one factor. This stems from the greater energy content per litre of diesel, and the inherent efficiency of the diesel engine. 

• Diesel engines do not use high-voltage spark ignition (spark plugs), and thus use less fuel per kilometre, as they have higher compression ratios, making it the fuel of choice for heavy vehicles.

 • Also, diesel engines offer more torque (rotational or turning force) and are less likely to stall as they are controlled by a mechanical or electronic governor, thereby proving to be better for haulage.

Air Pollution: Diesel engines emit higher levels of particulate matter and nitrogen oxides, which contribute to air pollution 

❖Greenhouse Gas Emissions: While diesel engines are more fuelefficient, they also emit higher levels of carbon dioxide, which contributes to climate change. 

❖Noise Pollution 

❖Environmental Damage

Dominance of Diesel in Transport Segment: High dependency on diesel for long-haul transportation and city bus services. 

❖ Diesel sales account for around 87% in the transport sector; trucks and buses contribute to approximately 68% of diesel fuel sales. 

❖ Conversion Challenges: Transitioning diesel trucks to compressed natural gas (CNG) poses limitations. 

❖ CNG usage is primarily suited for shorter distances and has lower tonnage carrying capacity. 

❖ Compliance with Current Emission Norms: Automakers argue that diesel vehicles comply with existing emission norms. 

❖ Significant investments made by car manufacturers to transition diesel fleets to BS-VI emission norms; diesel ban might imply that all the time, money and efforts were in vain. 

 FAME Scheme:Provides fiscal incentives for EV manufacturing and adoption. 

❖ Aims to achieve 30% EV penetration by 2030. 

❖ Supports deployment of charging technologies and stations in urban centers. 

❖ Customs Duty Exemption for Lithium-ion Cell Batteries: The government has exempted the import of lithium-ion cell batteries from customs duties to bring down their cost and scale up their production in India. 

❖ National Green Hydrogen Mission: This mission aims to develop green hydrogen as a clean and affordable energy source. 

❖ Ethanol blending: It involves mixing ethanol with petrol to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. The target for 20% ethanol blending in petrol (also called E20) has been advanced to 2025 from 2030. 

❖ Incentives under PLI Scheme: Around Rs.18,000 crore was approved for development of advanced cell chemistry batter storage manufacturing.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

How To Form A Fractionalized NFT With Multifunction

 NFTs have dominated the art world and are a hot topic in the computer community. A profitable market worth billions has been formed for NFTs as a result of their meteoric sales rise.


NFTs are not a novel idea, despite their current enormous popularity. With the introduction of Quantum, a non-fungible token developed by Kevin McCoy and Anil Dash, NFTs were first introduced in 2014. NFTs didn't become a popular conversation subject until much later, around 2020, when their market value reached a staggering US$250 million. NFTs have thus come a long way from their inception to the moment when they became universally accepted. Interestingly, the NFT mania has persisted ever since, and market predictions indicate a promising future for them. The global NFT market is anticipated to reach USD 122.43 billion by 2028, with a CAGR of 34.10% over the forecast period of 2022–2028, according to a report by SkyQuest Technology.


NFTs are undoubtedly popular at the moment, and predictions indicate that they will continue to expand. All of this has led to significant investments in NFTs from many businesses. But on a more fundamental level, a lot of people still have trouble figuring out how to invest in NFTs. Well, it's simple! Depending on availability and your budget, you can invest in an NFT either in full or in part.


To make expensive NFTs more affordable for the general public, they are frequently divided into smaller fractions. The focus of this essay is on these fractionalized NFTs, which function similarly to non-fungible tokens in terms of trading. Continue reading to learn more about fractionalized NFTs in web3 and discover how to make one. However, let's touch on the fundamentals first before going any farther.


Describe NFTs

A blockchain record that is connected to a real or digital asset is known as a non-fungible token (NFT). We must first comprehend the definition of "fungible" in order to comprehend what that means.


Every "fungible" thing has the same utility and intrinsic worth because it may be exchanged for another object of equal value. A $10 bill that may be exchanged for any other $10 bill serves as an illustration of this; you can give your friend your $10 bill without truly depreciating it. However, a $10 bill that has been autographed by a famous person or has a special serial number, such as all eights, may be worth $1,000 or even more. Why so? Because a single celebrity signature may render a common $10 bill uncommon, unique, and thus non-fungible.


Let's discuss what a token is now. A blockchain-based certificate of authenticity that was issued digitally is referred to as a "token" in the realm of cryptocurrencies. A distributed ledger, or blockchain, is a permanent record of transactions. Because blockchain records are immutable, they can never be altered. And NFTs are valuable because of their immutability. A digital product becomes significantly more valuable than other comparable products when a special certificate is issued against it verifying its authenticity and originality.


Fractionalized NFTs: What are they?

A fractionalized NFT is one that has been divided into smaller fractions for sale separately. A single token can be owned by several people because each fraction represents a percentage of the ownership of the NFT. They differ from normal NFTs due to the collective ownership of fractionalized non-fungible tokens. The threshold for NFT purchases is lowered through fractionalization, making it easier for more people to invest in these special tokens. Similar to shares of a firm or joint ownership of a property, fractionalized NFTs function similarly.


When an NFT is fractionalized, the original NFT is placed in a safe and a constrained number of fungible tokens that correspond to various ownership percentages are distributed. The NFT's individual fractions can then be purchased by interested parties, who will then share ownership of it.


Benefits of Web3 fractionalized NFTs

One of the main selling aspects of NFTs is the ability to possess one-of-a-kind goods. However, one of the main causes of their consistently rising costs is exactly this aspect of exclusive possession. Fractional NFTs are designed to address this issue and provide additional significant advantages, such as:



Many potential customers have left the market as a result of rising NFT prices. And this is especially true for non-fungible tokens that are in great demand. An NFT's fractionalization makes it accessible to a wider variety of potential customers, who can then purchase shares of their preferred NFTs as investments or gifts for others.


     Discovering prices

It is not easy to identify the correct pricing for an NFT, especially when it comes without any transaction history. An NFT's components are released for bid by numerous investors after fractionalization, which aids in determining the optimal price depending on market demand.


     More liquidity

Expensive NFTs frequently stay on the market for longer before being purchased because of their high cost. Such NFTs are divided into tiny, reasonably priced fractions through the fractionalization process, which many investors can purchase on secondary marketplaces. It lessens the risks involved in investing in NFTs, and even pricey NFTs have a tendency to sell out rapidly.


     Better for creators

While the aforementioned factors all concern the buyer's experience, NFT fractionalization is also very advantageous for creators because it gives them more exposure in the incredibly liquid F-NFT market.


Widely used fractionalized NFTs

Because it is possible to fractionalize any type of NFT, many people have done so in order to boost sales. It is impossible to provide a complete list of all NFTs that have been fractionalized to date. Only the top fractionalized non-fungible tokens on the market are included in the list below.



One of the most costly NFTs available for purchase, CryptoPunks can sell for millions of dollars. They are quite well-liked despite being very expensive. Interestingly, after being fractionalized in 2021, they gained even more attractiveness to investors. There are fifty CryptoPunks in the fractionalized form right now, and 250,000,000,000 ERC-20 tokens were made from them. The price of each fractional share has been reduced from the original price of US$0.05 per unit to US$0.07779.


     Cat mutants

9,999 works of art in the CryptoPunk genre were created algorithmically for the anthology Mutant Cats. You can go to the OpenSea marketplace and buy all of the NFTs in the collection or just a portion of them. It's important to remember that when you buy any Mutant Cats NFT, you also get voting privileges within the ecosystem. What's next? Shares are staked in exchange for $fish tokens.


     The well-known NFT artworks by Grimes

One of the most well-known musicians to greatly profit from the fractional NFT trend is Grimes. She reportedly made $6 million from her artwork, according to sources. One of the main NFT marketplaces, Otis, has fractionalized her most recent works, Newborn 1 & 3.


     Token doge meme

The owner fractionalized the non-fungible Doge meme token, which was sold for US$4,000,000, into roughly 17 billion $DOG tokens after acquisition. 20% of the produced supply was sold to 1,796 purchasers for close to US$45 million on the MISO marketplace. Sushiswap or Uniswap received the remaining funds.



The realm of NFTs has been pushed to its limits by fractionalized NFTs. By making NFT investments more appealing to small- and medium-scale investors, they have stimulated the NFT market. Therefore, using fractionalized NFTs is a wise decision whether investing in real estate, music, or the arts.


Thanks to the expansion of the NFT Marketplace Development, in-game assets can now be safely swapped within a supported environment, and ownership can be rapidly established.


It is also important to keep in mind that the price of digital assets is constantly rising, which has led to a large influx of new investors and innovators into the NFT movement. However, many NFTs struggle to find buyers due to their exorbitant price tags. This issue has been resolved by fractionalized NFTs, which make NFTs accessible without pressuring developers to lower their prices.


Also Read About: How To Create An NFT Minting Website


Fractionalized NFTs are unquestionably a groundbreaking idea in the quickly developing and constantly changing field of NFTs. Fractionalized NFTs provide a mechanism for the entire community to gain from valuable digital assets rather than limiting ownership and management to a small group of people. The philosophy of web3 development, where each project is made with the community in mind, is exactly this.

Read More:- click here

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Knowledge and Curriculum in Hindi,ज्ञान एवं पाठ्यक्रम

 Knowledge and Curriculum,ज्ञान एवं पाठ्यक्रम

ज्ञान का भारतीय दृष्टिकोण:-भारतीय ज्ञान परंपरा हजारों वर्ष पुरानी है। इस ज्ञान परंपरा में आधुनिक विज्ञान प्रबंधन साहित्य सभी क्षेत्रों के लिए अद्भुत खजाना है। भारतीय दृष्टिकोण से ही ज्ञान परंपरा का अध्ययन कर हम एक बार फिर विश्व गुरु बन सकते हैं। हमें अपने मानसिकता को बदल कर अपने जीवन में भारतीयता को अपनाने की जरूरत है। पश्चिमी के विकासवादी मॉडल को छोड़ कर के ही हम दुनिया में खुशहाली ला सकते हैं हमने अब तक जो कुछ पढ़ा है, जो भी हमें पढ़ाया गया है, वह एक तरफा है, हर विषय को पश्चिम के नजरिया से प्रस्तुत कर हमने प्राचीन भारतीय ज्ञान परंपरा का अपमान किया है। भारतीय नजरिया से देखा जाए तो आर्यभट्ट, चरक ऋषि, कणाद ऋषि, नागार्जुन, हर्षवर्धन, अगस्त ऋषि, भारद्वाज ऋषि जैसे सैकड़ों महापुरूष हुए हैं। जिन्होंने अपने ज्ञान से विश्व की ज्ञान परंपरा को समृद्ध किया है। प्राचीन ग्रंथों का अध्ययन भी जरूरी है। 

भारतीय दृष्टिकोण की नजरिया से देखा जाए तो संस्कृत हमारे ज्ञान की भाषा थी जब तक हम दुनिया में विश्व गुरु बने रहे जैसे ही हमने अंग्रेजी का पीछा किया हम चीजों का पश्चिमी के दृष्टिकोण से ही समझने लगे अब समय  गया है। कि हमारीयुवा पीढ़ी को अंतर विषयक ज्ञान के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया जाए वे आधुनिक विज्ञान के साथ प्राचीन ग्रंथों का भी अध्ययन करें अंग्रेजी के साथ संस्कृत को भी पढ़े ताकि भारतीय दृष्टिकोण से विज्ञान आधुनिक प्रबंधन को समझ सके। वेद दुनिया का सबसे प्राचीन ग्रंथ है यूनेस्को ने भी इसको मान लिया है। इसके साथ-साथ देखा जाए तो भारतीय संस्कृति ने हमेशा स्त्री को भगवान का दर्जा दिया है, उन्हें भगवान से ऊपर माना है। लेकिन पश्चिमी के दार्शनिकों ने उसे एक उपभोग की वस्तु के रूप में ही प्रस्तुत किया है जिसका खामियाजा आज दुनिया की आधी आबादी को भुगतना पड़ रहा है। 

चरक ऋषि ने दुनिया को औषधि विज्ञान के बारे में जागरूक किया उन्होंने सर्जरी राइनोप्लास्टी सिविल इंजीनियरिंग प्रबंधन और एवीएनशन के बारे में बताया उन्होंने कहा कि जो लोग दूसरे के सिर पर किसी और का सिर लगाने का मजाक उड़ाते थे पिछले साल अफ्रीका में इसी तरह एक व्यक्ति का सिर ट्रांसप्लांट किया गया और वह व्यक्ति अभी भी जीवित है। इससे प्रमाणित हो गया है कि सिर्फ ट्रांसप्लांट की बात जो ऋषि-मुनियों ने लिखी थी वह सही थी।

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